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                       Lines, Borders and Shadow Types

           Window and Box Borders        |        Shadow Types
    "+-+|+-+|"      1 - single line box  |    Based on Numeric KeyPad
    "+-+|+-+|"      2 - double line box  |
    "+-+|+-+|"      3 - t-single double  |        1 - Lower Left
    "+-+|+-+|"      4 - t-double single  |
    "+-+|+-+|"      5 - 1-double single  |        3 - Lower Right
    "+-+|+-+|"      6 - 3-double single  |
    "+-+|+-+|"      7 - 7-double single  |        7 - Upper Left
    "+-+|+-+|"      8 - 9-double single  |
    "########"      9 - thick solid      |        9 - Upper Right
    "########"     10 - thin solid       |
    "########"     11 - shaded light     |    Any other parameter gives
    "########"     12 - shaded medium    |
    "########"     13 - shaded heavy     |            No Shadow
    "        "     14 - spaces           |
        Horizontal Lines          |         Vertical Lines
     "-"   1 - dotted single      |     "|"   1 - single
     "="   2 - dotted double      |     "|"   2 - double
     "."   3 - dotted triple      |     ":"   3 - dotted
     "-"   4 - single             |     "|"   4 - dashed
     "-"   5 - double             |     "."   5 - heavy dotted
     "."   6 - dotted thick       |     "#"   6 - left thin
     "#"   7 - top solid thin     |     "#"   7 - right thin
     "#"   8 - bottom solid thin  |     "#"   8 - thick
     "#"   9 - solid thick        |     "#"   9 - light shaded
     "~"  10 - single wavy        |     "#"  10 - medium shaded
     "."  11 - double wavy        |     "#"  11 - heavy shaded
                                      |     " "  12 - spaces

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson